Site to be updated in the near future.

Vieux Barbet Français, Barbet is a Barbet is a Barbet? Come visit my new site about the Barbet dog. I hope you enjoy it!Un énorme travail sur le passé de la race depuis la rédaction de son standard, est aussi effectué en coopération avec un Barbetier Polonais. 2013, un joli article sur notre belle race en voie de disparition.... Barbet n'est pas un Caniche et le Grand Barbet/ Pudel/ caniche de Buffon est prouvé comme générique et à l'origine de chiens à barbe peu importe la taille: du Bichon Maltais au Terreneuve.
Welcome to
Barbet: French National Treasure. This site has been online since 2007 and is the only one to relate the true history of our French breed with exclusive documents, pedigrees and photos, available nowwhere else and entrusted to me by the "old" breeders and their families, among others working for the survival of our Old Barbet.
Many documents on Barbet websites have sourced here.
I hope you enjoy the discovery.You will browse through mostly documents about the Barbet since the turn of the 20th century.
For the time being, enjoy lines and families of "Vieux Barbet Français" "Old Bloodlines" <Old boad line> or "Authentic Barbet" and "Griffon Barbet", all synonyms for the same dog which is threatened with extinction. The Barbet MODERNE is a variety of the breed, created in the 1980's and looks very much like a tall Poodle.